Types of Messages
Written Messages

Our restricted, secure internal messaging system is a contained area where you can send private messages to your loved one or friend.
- You must be signed into your GO (GettingOut) account to send and receive internal messages. The inmate receives internal messages the next time they sign in to the system. Note: All messages must be approved by the facility before they can be posted.
Voicemail Messages

Send a little personal “hello” anytime and let your loved one or friend know you are thinking of them. GettingOut lets you leave 3-minute voicemail messages whenever you feel inspired.
To leave a voicemail:
- Set up a GettingOut account and deposit funds.
- Call 1 (866) 516-0115.
- Follow the prompts.
- Your loved one will hear your voicemail the next time they pick up the phone.